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Body Repairs - Accident Repairs - Restorations

Body Repairs - Accident Repairs - Restorations


Make your dream car a reality.

Covering Charlton Kidbrooke Woolwich South East London

We have been featured in several national magazines and have won numerous awards for a restoration work from various local shows and national events.

We have 5000 ft.² of indoor work facilities available to handle vehicle restorations from beginning to end and anything in between.

Our full time technicians and professional staff will guide you through each stage of restoration or repair of your vehicle.

As stated every aspect of your car is disassembled and either restored or replaced to a standard meeting or exceeding the quality of the car when it was new. This could mean starting from bare frame or body shell removing all mechanical parts and refinishing including new paint ,metal ,rubber etc.

How much does restoration cost ?

The cost of each complete restoration varies greatly, largely depending upon the condition of the underlying vehicle you bring to us to work on and how much customisation you desire.

Complete restorations are among the most rewarding experiences in a car enthusiast life not only in terms of excitement associated with the finalised vehicle once completed but also in terms of observing the incremental progress of the restoration process itself.

Partial restorations can be performed on any single aspect of your car to your taste, whether you are looking for interior replacement or repair, mechanical repair, refinishing body and paint work or any other limited restorative work performed on your vehicle.

We can prepare a restoration game plan for you based upon the overall condition of your project and what your short-term and long-term plans are for the vehicle, with any partial restoration, we will consult you about the extent of the work.

We prefer the estimates for complete or partial restorations be performed on site in our workshop however we recognise that many times potential restoration projects have been immobile or buried in storage for a long time, in such cases we are willing to travel as necessary to view a potential restoration project or arrange pick up.

So what are you waiting for ?

So really we must ask what exactly is holding you back from getting started right now, it’s time to feel proud of your old classic or antique car that has been collecting dust in your garage for too long, here at Total Body Shop Repairs we are ready to help you restore your trusty vehicle to its original glory days.

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